www.HyperSmash.com Google+ Traffic Stream, The Ultimate Resource For Traffic: Quiet...I'm hunting wabbit.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Quiet...I'm hunting wabbit.

Tomorrow is when the wonderful hunting season starts! Wish me good luck and hope that I can bring home some venison. Tomorrow is opening day and we will have donuts for breakfast. This would be our tradition we have been doing for the last few years. So far we have almost gotten a dear every year, hopefully all of us will get one this year.

We will leave around 6 a.m. and stay out for at least 2 hours. I shoot a 4-10 pump action which I received last year for Christmas. Haven't shot it very much but hope to get used to it.

Hunting is kind of like marketing online...You need patience..."If you wait, good things shall come".
This is true, if you put work and effort into something you are doing and wait, results shall follow. 

Have been surfing more often and plan to add more content soon. Still have to think of and find the right programs to put into the blog.

Happy Hunting!!!

If you have any questions or concerns about this post or any other information on this blog please comment or contact me.

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