www.HyperSmash.com Google+ Traffic Stream, The Ultimate Resource For Traffic: Small Changes and Diet

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Small Changes and Diet

A couple changes have been made to the blog one as you can see by the title of this post. I have I changed my traffic exchange list so it is now more refined and the exchanges are switched around with others I have joined because they are simply a lot better and give myself more traffic. Some of the traffic exchanges that I have added to the list or switched have promo codes listed in my Promo Code page.

I am going to add more content to the blog in hope of more traffic and for the sake of more content.
Traffic to the blog is keeping a constant flow I will begin surfing more often and try to drive more traffic to my pages.

In other news I have began my new diet which involves, no sweets, a lot less carbs, and no pop. To be honest tomorrow I will have no choice but to cheat.(Halloween). And speaking of Halloween I will be spending mine watching scary movies and eating delicious teeth hollowing candy!

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