Other than minor tweaks and small changes that still need to be done the program is finished!
After all of the hard work their is gold at the end of this rainbow. The program took truck loads of effort and time but it's development is coming to a closing. Now, it's preparation for pre launch, launch, and other details will start to begin taking place.
Part of the reason the program has been so hard to write is because I actually tuned and almost recreated each and every step. I had to make sure it was user friendly and was able to be understood. The program has...A LOT of content. My heart and full effort where put into this arduous task.
The program doesn't just have a lot of content though, it has a lot of GREAT content.
I have researched, listened to Spreecasts, read countless information, and have gathered everything that I have learned about internet marketing and advertising into this amazing program. It WILL be one of the TOP programs that you will most definitely want to be involved and joined in.
Only certain information will be leaked about the program until we come closer to the launch date. The program should launch within 6 months.
Lastly, the program name has been decided. The choosing of the program name is also one of the reasons the concluding writing of the program has taken so long.
The program's name will be released in my next blog post.
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