www.HyperSmash.com Google+ Traffic Stream, The Ultimate Resource For Traffic: Famous Quote

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Famous Quote

"What the mind can believe, and can conceive, it can achieve..."

This is THE quote to follow and in which I believe in fully. This is one of the best quotes every in excistence. Whatever the mind can put itself to, and can image doing, it WILL DO. And I believe that fully.

A few years ago their was a study done to that involved this concept. The study went like this. A few people questioned the elderly at a nursing home and one of the questions was, how long do you think
you have left to live. The weird thing was, every single person who thought they would live longer, did live longer than all of the other people who said they only had a short time left.

Also, you should know this quote is right from the beginning. A person who has their mind dedicated to nothing else other than one thing is going to succeed in doing it. This can be taken out of business
and into other parts of life. Anything that you put all of your attention and focus on, will come true.

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