www.HyperSmash.com Google+ Traffic Stream, The Ultimate Resource For Traffic: Jason Mraz Concert and More School

Monday, September 17, 2012

Jason Mraz Concert and More School

A huge amount of things have happend since the last time I posted. First of all school has taken up more time than I thought it would unfortunately. Not a whole lot of homework but Honors Math has been interesting.

School has been great but I missed a day today due to a Jason Mraz concert in the Cities. We left on Sunday and I had a great time. Christina Perri was the first one to perform and Jason following after him. Extremely fun, almost as much fun as the Metallica concert I went to 2 years ago.

Will make a attempt to start up again for a while but we'll see how things go. House has been coming along a little slower now but I hope we can get the carpet and tile down soon. Today I slightly a relax day from the concert.

  If you have any questions or concerns about this post or any other information on this blog please comment or contact me.

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