www.HyperSmash.com Google+ Traffic Stream, The Ultimate Resource For Traffic: October 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Small Changes and Diet

A couple changes have been made to the blog one as you can see by the title of this post. I have I changed my traffic exchange list so it is now more refined and the exchanges are switched around with others I have joined because they are simply a lot better and give myself more traffic. Some of the traffic exchanges that I have added to the list or switched have promo codes listed in my Promo Code page.

I am going to add more content to the blog in hope of more traffic and for the sake of more content.
Traffic to the blog is keeping a constant flow I will begin surfing more often and try to drive more traffic to my pages.

In other news I have began my new diet which involves, no sweets, a lot less carbs, and no pop. To be honest tomorrow I will have no choice but to cheat.(Halloween). And speaking of Halloween I will be spending mine watching scary movies and eating delicious teeth hollowing candy!

Friday, October 19, 2012

ClickTrackProfit....The Truth

This will be my second post about the "famous" ClickTrackProfit... I have seen it advertised EVERYWHERE... just about every traffic exchange has someone in ClickTrackProfit. Just about half a year ago I saw this and wondered, why haven't I joined this program yet?? It looks to be promising.

So I asked my dad, Richard Weberg who has been in internet marketing for over 8 years if the program was any good. And he said no, and went on with little to medium explanation. So curiously I checked it out... and realized how right he was.

For those of you who are part of ClickTrackProfit and are probably closing out this page right now because you don't like what I am saying I beg you to just wait and let me explain.

First I will start with the "famous badges"

The Negative Side
In ClickTrackProfit you can collect badges. Some have silly pictures, faces, some are cash badges that can have up to 1$!... oh wait...that isn't very much now is it... Though they do give some people a large amount of motivation they are basically useless. Some people spend over half of their time collecting badges for what reason I will never know! They post on the chats and everywhere,"Hey guys look!, I just got a surf 10 badge!" Other than a slight burst of excitement and self confidence badges give you a vast amount of NOTHING But, some people still argue, "What about money badges huh?" What about them?? I'm sorry but 10 cents doesn't cut my financial needs.

The Positive Side
  Badges do give motivation. They do sometimes have value as in U.S. currency. They also can give you goals to work towards. Overall, people can go and waste their time collecting badges all they want, but I plead with you, realize they don't get you much.
Next, ClickTrackProfit's Payout

The Truth
  At the exact moment as I write this, ClickTrackProfit has payed out $47,233 this year. That is so far their payout in 10 months. Most people in ClickTrackProfit must think that is a lot of money...But it isn't. If you look at their member base at this exact second they have 50,178 members. That IS a lot of members. But if you use what I call math you will realize the rough estimate of $ per member is so low, you could literally have a lemonade stand on the street and make more money. If you don't believe me, let us do some math together... divide the total amount of money they make in 10/12ths of a year to their member base. You get a ginormous 94cents!...minus the ginormous. Now this is a ROUGH ESTIMATE. So if you don't want to go by that. Let's add 5$ to everyone's income... still won't help pay someone's electric bills.

Lastly CTP's "Training"

Let's Start With The Positive
  IF you are a complete beginner this might be the program for you. It does teach you the VERY basics of learning about traffic exchanges. The people that own it do have some good traffic exchanges that are worth your time surfing.(Will Be Listed) Not everything about CTP is so bad, but if you are trying to make a decent living online, it's a beginning stage, but not the answer.


  Their "Training" is so basic and simple it is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. If you read through my entire blog you would get more useful information than their entire $47,000 program... and I am a 14 year old teenager... what does that tell you? And if you don't believe me read my blog and see what you get out of it.


This is a good program for complete beginners. If you don't know what a traffic exchange even is then this is the program for you. If you follow this program do not get caught up with collecting fruity badges for your "Wall Of Awesome" Some of the programs inside CTP aren't that bad.

But ClickTrackProfit itself WILL NOT make you a living or even pay your water bill. I did not bash CTP just for the satisfaction of saying negative things about it. I wrote this post to help people realize that CTP is NOT what it is all cracked up to be. It is not a substitute for normal income. Here is a list of some of the traffic exchanges in CTP itself.

  If you have any questions or concerns about this post or any other information on this blog please comment or contact me.

Free Members Don't Make Shit!

Yes, you read that right, sounds pretty vulgar hey? But it got your attention didnt it?
Well its time for another No bullshit post.

Would you like to make an extra $2,000 a month? Well you better start doing some math then, take your favorite free program that you are a member of, and havnt upgraded in yet.
Lets say you get paid 40% on a $40 upgrade or product buy from your referral, how many would you have to refer that upgrade or buy in order to make $2000 a month?

Well, 40% of $40 dollars is $16 bucks, so that means you would have to refer 125 people that upgraded or purchased the $40 product or upgrade in a month, to earn $2000 dollars. How close are you to earning your $2000 this month? I bet most of you reading this havnt even earned your first $16 dollars yet….am I right, let a lone $2000.
How about next month??? I think you might want to quadruple your time your spending especially if you have not made your first $16 dollars yet..

For most of you reading this, $2000 dollars a month is an extremely far fetched number and you will NEVER make that amount marketing online….What YOU SAY?
Yes, you read that right too, there is a reason why………and you already know it, its called commitment and belief, your to afraid to get committed to your programs and upgrade in them, and most importantly your afraid to build your list and sell. But guess what until you finally make a decision that your not afraid anymore, you will not make jack squat!
Big hint: Upgraded members get higher commissions so they make more money, the more your invested in yourself and your business, the harder you will try and the longer you will go before you quit.  Hence, gives you a much higher chance of succeeding! If you have nothing invested or very little, who cares if you quit, you certainly wont….

Earning online is not hard, but you make it difficult by not doing things in a way that actually work, you keep thinking you know a better way, and I will tell you again, there isnt, and you dont.
Build a list of leads, then you promote programs that work, that you are COMMITTED TO (upgraded in) and you sell what you are doing, it dosnt work any other way. If you think you are going to build in a program over time by referring one person a month, you better get real, most people you refer will quit long before you build any momentum, plus your showing them the wrong way to build their own business.
So how far do you really think you will be in twelve months, referring 1 person or 2 a month to your favorite programs? You guessed it you will be where you are right now….NO WHERE!

There are some people who will sugar coat everything and lie to you, because they desperately need you to stay in their programs. You will not get that from me, I want you to make money, tons of it, for yourself! I already know how to make money online, and have several systems working for me, I made more money this year and spent less time online, I spent the most of the spring, summer and fall rebuilding my entire home and adding on to it. When you have the proper systems in place you can do this. Trying to build a online business without a system or plan……..PLEASE GIVE UP NOW, YOUR WASTING YOUR TIME, IT WONT WORK!

Build your own Damn list! Create you own content, websites and blogs, take action and sell…

There is no other way….
If you do not understand after reading these no bull shit post I wrote,  you never will….

This was taken from my father's blog who I give all credit to for his genius. 

  If you have any questions or concerns about this post or any other information on this blog please comment or contact me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back In Business

Let's be honest.....in fact let's break that down to let me be honest. I have been doing jackshit with the internet for a long period of time.(Sorry for the language) I said I would do more and have not done so and I intent to try to make up for that. I apologize and hope to redeem myself.

I need to invest more time into the blog and online overall. I have been busy with school but also have been lazy sitting on my ass all day. Truth is, need to step up my game. Going to try to refine my blog to meet higher standards and try to surpass previous status that was achieved. Time to get ON THE BALL NOW!!

Going to join more programs and sort through them to find the best and try to get rid of the useless ones and turn to the more impressive ones...

Will be online as much as possible this week.

Hope to gain some status within a month maybe 2. Will start investing more money online...Hope to reap more profit from that decision. Only people who take risks have a chance of receiving something greater.

  If you have any questions or concerns about this post or any other information on this blog please comment or contact me.