www.HyperSmash.com Google+ Traffic Stream, The Ultimate Resource For Traffic: Promo Codes And Cutting Boards

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Promo Codes And Cutting Boards

Later tonight I will look heavy on finding more promo codes. Have a bunch of them already but would like to have at least 5 more for 5 different traffic exchanges. Will either add them tonight or in the morning.

Have been busy cutting boards to fit on the underside of the stairs. About 80% done on that and still having to do the wall to it's right. It's all coming together and should be done soon.

At the moment I'm surfing TopHits4U, HitsViral, Bella's Click Shack, Ninja Surf, and TopFlightTraffic. Surf until 100 and then may surf a few other traffic exchanges and then head in for the night.

If you have any questions or concerns about this post or any other information on this blog please comment or contact me.

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